Input Group

The input group is the most basic of inputs. All values will be a string in your form state to keep it consistent with when you make a native post request.

import { InputGroup } from "@adeattwood/react-form";
const Input = ({ attribute, label, className }) => {
return (
<InputGroup attribute={attribute}>
{({ props, error }) => (
<div className={["form-group", className].join(" ")}>
<label className="mb-1" htmlFor={}>
className={`form-control ${error && "is-invalid"}`}
aria-describedby={ + "--error"}
<div id={ + "--error"} className="invalid-feedback" aria-live="polite">
{Boolean(error) && error}


To provide other types, such as number, you can add the type prop to the input after you spread the default props.

<InputGroup attribute={attribute}>
{({ props }) => (<input {...props} type="number" />)}